Passion Pit Remix Contest

Okay fellow mixers, there's a new buzzzzz in town.
Our fun loving Passion Pit is challenging YOU to remix their song "Little Secrets" from their upcoming Manners album. Now, before you scroll down to your nearest "Little Secret", I advise you to stop, take a breath, go microwave yourself some warm milk and R-E-L-A-X.

Did you really think Passion Pit was going to make it that simple?

Passion Pit is only offering snippets of their song where you can twist it, mix it, add your dog's howl, whatever. Creativity is key folks, and the sky's the limit.

Email here to get your snippet and submit your masterpiece by May 15th. From there, fans will vote for their top 10 where Passion Pitt will pick the top 5 runner ups to put on their latest album and special vinyl version of "Little Secrets".

Go wild and GOOD LUCK!

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