Passion Pit

Unless you've missed it kids, there's a hot new electronic/glitchy/synthesizing/pop group sweeping through the music world. I present you, Passion Pit.

This American electro band is Michael Angelakos (lead vocals/keyboards), Ian Hultquist (keyboards), Ayad Al Adhamy (synth/samples, Jeff Apruzzese (bass) and Nate Donmoyer (drums). Formed off and on in late 2006/07, these six well to do kids enjoyed music too much for their own good, which sprinkled with extra time is wha-la, instant success.

Passion Pit are set to release their eagerly anticipated debut album 'Manners' May 19, which understood in the music world, will be leaking to a net near you. So keep your eyes/ears open.

Until then, you can listen relentlessly to their EP Chunk of Change, which has had my head swirling in ecstasy for the past week.

If you're feeling stalkerish

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